Big congratulations out to those working on Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010, which is finally DONE! This really was a monumental release for us. About halfway through the release, the manager for each product in Office was asked to give a short demo of something cool their team was building. I remember having to demo our product, watching the other demos, and thinking, "Damn, that's amazing stuff, I hope people thing my demo is half as cool." And later, when my team switched to owning a platform component everyone depended on, I remember thinking, "Damn, we better get this thing working soon or those demos will never actually ship." Well, everyone pulled together, and now you can try for yourself all those amazing features we've built for you.
I found this statistic interesting: Microsoft announced their earnings today, and for the last quarter, the Business Division (which includes Office) represents about $2.6 billion in net profit for the company. To put that in perspective, that's more than all of Google. In fact, it's about the same as Google and Amazon put together. Just for Office. As an Office developer, it makes you think twice about how important each line of code is.
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